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Finding the Best Moisturizing Facial

Finding the best moisturizing facial is the foundation of healthy glowing skin.  While there are many ways to keep your skin hydrated, facials are a great way to maintain that youthful look. Self-care is extremely important and this certainly  includes skincare.  Unfortunately, many people neglect their skin’s outermost layer – the moisture barrier. 

Every day, you are rushing here or there.  With so many items on our to-do list, many important routines can often be put off. This is part of the allure of professional facial treatments. It is important to carve out some ‘me’ time. A relaxing skincare session is good for the body – and the soul. 

Science Behind Keeping Your Skin Moisturized

To keep it healthy, you must have a brief understanding of the moisture barrier.  The barrier is a layer made of lipids and fat cells. When properly retaining water, the protective layer keeps out bad bacteria and other invasive environmental contaminants. Moisturized skin has a healthy level of good bacteria, which is why it is important to avoid drying cleansers or harsh scrubs. (During the winter months, you should be especially vigilant with moisturizing.)

Along with being healthier for your skin, it also feels velvety to the touch. Additionally, hydrated skin has a beautiful glow.  Stress, age, and other factors can leave their mark, which is why it is important to properly maintain both your body and facial skin.

As you may have experienced in the past, a compromised moisture barrier can cause increased breakouts, redness and sensitivity.  Frequently, your skin’s texture will  appear uneven and can be slightly rough to the touch.  To combat dryness, our body may overcompensate and begin overproducing its own oil called sebum. Overproduction of sebum may lead to further breakouts.With the science talk behind us, it is the perfect time to now start thinking about your own hygiene regimen. How do you start your day? End your night? Think about  the products and methods you are  using  – or skipping. (Don’t feel guilty. Plenty of us have those forgotten jars of miracle creams sitting in our cabinet.) 

Finding the Best Moisturizing Skincare

When considering a facial, it’s best to do a little homework. A good facial spa will offer a few different treatments that can be customized for the guest. At our New York facial bar, each guest receives a consultation; this allows our talented team to learn a bit more about your skin type.  First, we gently touch your skin for texture and elasticity. At the same time, we look for signs of oil and pore size. During the appointment, we encourage our guests to share what brought them in. It is also a good time  to your share favorite at-home treatments and daily products. This allows your esthetician additional insight into your own personal level of care – and how much time you are dedicating to your skin.

If your moisture barrier seems to be  stripped in anyway,  there is hope!  Silver Mirror’s Brightness Facial is a great place to start. It is the best moisturizing facial – ideal for both repair or part of your maintenance routine.

Here’s a quick peek at what your 50-minute moisturizing skincare session looks like:

  • Custom double-exfoliation
  • Specialty derma-rolling
  • Luxury vitamin & oxygen treatment
  • Collagen-stimulating LED therapy

What can you expect? Nourished, rejuvenated and supple skin. And when you leave, it is our hope that you continue your (or start a new) daily ritual. By increasing your skin’s hydration, cells remain healthy and  continue to work  Like the rest of your body, the skin cells require water to function at their best.  Fortunately, there are several amazing products to choose from. You may have even found a few tried-and-trues that you simply can’t live without. It’s the perfect time to talk about the popular holy grail ingredient – hyaluronic acid.  At Silver Mirror, our estheticians like combining  hyaluronic acid with other soothing ingredients such as aloe vera, copper PCA, and arnica. 

During your facial consultation, you should feel free to ask for custom suggestions. For example, one of our top recommendations is  Revision Soothing Facial Rinse. Recommended use is to press onto your skin gently.  The rinse  contains a blend of Arnica montana extract, grape seed extract and Vitamin K to keep skin at its optimum pH level.  When using the rinse as a toner, follow-up serums can penetrate easier. 

Finally, restoring the balance of lipids in the skin is clearly key. Develop a regular moisturizing routine with products containing fat soluble ingredients; this will help repair the moisture barrier.  While many products showcase “oil-free”  on their labels, this may not be the ideal treatment for your skin’s current condition. It is also important to note that not all oil-free beauty aids are also non-comedogenic. (Quick note: Non-comedogenic products are designed to not block pores.) Many people with an oily complexion may believe it’s best to skip a moisturizing lotion. Instead of skipping, try a lightweight nourishing cream packed with lipids. By only adding a minute or two to your routine, your skin is  back on track and glowing.

Questions about a custom facials or at-home treatments for your skin? Call and speak with a Silver Mirror esthetician today. Looking for some instant gratification? Schedule your next hydrating facial. Your skin (and mind) will thank you for it.

Schedule Your Facial Today  


April 20, 2022